
To build a highland leading the global digital economy, Beijing will advance the layout of 6G future network


On the morning of September 17, the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal Government held a press conference on the first anniversary of the construction of the "two districts". Tong Haiwei, chief engineer of the Municipal Bureau of economy and information technology, introduced that in the past year, Beijing has achieved phased positive results in the field of digital economy. In 2020, the added value of Beijing's digital economy industry will reach 1453.86 billion yuan, accounting for 40.3% of the regional GDP; Among them, the core industries of digital economy achieved an added value of 760.13 billion yuan, accounting for 21.1% of the regional GDP. In the first half of this year, the proportion of digital economy industry increased by 2.6 percentage points over that in 2020, maintaining rapid growth.

In terms of mechanism exploration, Beijing has set up the first policy pilot area for intelligent connected vehicles in China, with management policy innovation as the core, and moderately advanced the policy system supporting road testing, demonstration application and commercial operation services of intelligent connected vehicles; It has been approved to establish a national pilot area for innovation and application of artificial intelligence and make every effort to promote the integrated development of artificial intelligence and real economy; Focusing on the "big data" trading paradigm in China, the establishment of the exchange will become the first to explore the "big data" in terms of pricing and controllable trading rights, and become the first exchange based on the "big data" in China.

In terms of sharing open dividends, we completed the layout of the city's Gigabit fixed network, focusing on 5g signal coverage in the free trade zone; Service enterprises in Beijing enjoy preferential tax policies for the import of major technical equipment. In 2020, the tariff and value-added tax on imported key parts will be reduced or exempted by about 250 million yuan; Promote the registration of Apple advertising (Beijing) Co., Ltd. in Haidian, and promote the cooperation between Microsoft and Beijing Century Internet Broadband Data Center Co., Ltd. to provide Microsoft cloud services in China. Using blockchain technology to promote digital trade, the main data of logistics and customs clearance are linked, and the whole process is paperless, dynamic and visual.

At the beginning of this year, Beijing put forward the grand goal of building a benchmark city of global digital economy. The construction of "two districts" provides a strong guarantee of institutional innovation for the development of digital economy. Looking forward to the future, Beijing will build a benchmark city of global digital economy from several aspects.

First, highlight the "digital" drive, take data as the core production factor and the main path to achieve high-quality economic development and sustainable development under the background of urban reduction development.

Second, highlight the "global" competition. On the one hand, layout the leading generation of digital technology, focus on the "sense transfer calculation use" data link, and advance the layout of digital technologies such as 6G future network, quantum technology, algorithm innovation and blockchain, so as to seize the commanding height of digital technology; On the other hand, explore and form a leading digital governance rule system, take the construction of "two regions" as an opportunity to create new characteristics of digital economy, systematically plan institutional rule innovation, and provide Beijing solutions for China's participation in global digital governance.

Third, highlight the guidance of "benchmarking", cultivate a number of benchmarking enterprises, implement a number of benchmarking projects, and build a landmark industrial system in the era of digital economy.

Fourth, highlight the "city" incubation, take Beijing as a super incubation platform, and accelerate the construction of digital social ecology by promoting the construction of digital subjects such as "digital citizens", "digital government" and "digital enterprises". Through five to 10 years of continuous efforts, Beijing will be built into the "six highlands" leading the development of the global digital economy, namely, the demonstration highland of urban digital intelligence transformation, the hub highland of international data element allocation, the leading highland of emerging digital industry incubation, the highland of global digital technology innovation strategy, the highland of digital governance China scheme service, and the highland of digital economy's foreign cooperation and opening-up.

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